Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marketing Open Source Software

Friday, December 23, 2011

10 reasons why this is a great time to be a developer

Takeaway: After a long stretch of stagnation, the developer field is starting to open up — in a number of interesting, groundbreaking ways.

Ever since I was a kid, being a programmer looked fun and exciting. But in the last decade, the novelty of the Internet has worn off, and it seems like we’ve just been spinning our wheels. With an increasingly uninteresting workload and stagnation in pay, a lot of folks have either left for other pastures or have thought about it. Well, in the last year or two, things have really changed. Here are 10 reasons why now is a great time to be a developer.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Things Highly Productive People Do

You have more important things to focus on than, um, focusing. Get back on track with these tips.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why programmers work at night

A popular saying goes that Programmers are machines that turn caffeine into code.

And sure enough, ask a random programmer when they do their best work and there’s a high chance they will admit to a lot of late nights. Some earlier, some later. A popular trend is to get up at 4am and get some work done before the day’s craziness begins. Others like going to bed at 4am.

At the gist of all this is avoiding distractions. But you could just lock the door, what’s so special about the night?

I think it boils down to three things: the maker’s schedule, the sleepy brain and bright computer screens.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Open Source, Open Market for Ideas

Open source isn't just about better software, says Berkeley political scientist Steven Weber. It's about fostering creativity and challenging the status quo.

Why would a professional political scientist be interested in the open-source movement? For Steven Weber, a professor of political science and director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, it was the chance to investigate a technological issue that had what he saw as political ramifications. "In the political science world, I work on large-scale political action problems. And when I first learned about what was happening in the open-source community, I thought, 'That's a problem I recognize. I ought to see if I can understand what's going on there,'" says Weber. Better yet, he observes, "The best part of it for a researcher—it's really profoundly, astoundingly wonderful—is that your data is all archived. It's like having access to every classified document you could ever imagine."

Programming Without Programmers: towards an industrial revolution for software?

The challenge presented in this document is simple to state: to make the production of software possible without any need for people to hand-write any code at all.

Monday, August 15, 2011

هل سأكون حبيسة تلك الجدران؟

وضعت يديها على مشاعرة تتحسسها، فوجدتها صلبة و خشنة كالحجارة المختبئة تحت أتربة الغابات، فجفلت قليلا ثم أتبعت سائلةً، ما فعل بك هذا؟ قال، مع كل ضربة لوفائي و حناني و كبريائي يبني قلبي جدار حماية جديد فوق الذي قبلة و يحصنة، فيقوم بتخشينة و تصليبة حتى لا يقترب أحد.

فبتعدت دون أن تحاول الإلتفات إلى الخلف، و مرت الأيام و خيال كلماتة يداعب عينيها و ملمس مشاعرة الخشنة يحك بيديها، ثم قالت لنفسها لما لا أحفر تللك الجدران و أدخل هنالك بين ضلوعة؟! ألن أكون محمية داخل تلك الجدران من مصاعب و أهول الدنيا؟! ألن يكون ذلك هو المئوى؟!

فقامت و أرتدت أحلى ما عندها من حُلل الهجوم على الرجال مدرعتا بثقتها على كسر أي جدار و إختراقة بما عندها من أنوثة و دهاء بنات حواء، و فيما هي على مشارف مشاعرة تهم بأن تباشر الهجوم، أستوقفتها فكرة، هل سأكون حبيسة تلك الجدران؟!!!!!!