Thursday, January 5, 2012

4 hot Microsoft technologies coming in 2012

By J. Peter Bruzzese
Source: InfoWorld

The year 2012 brings with it prophecies (of doom, unfortunately -- thanks, Mayans), predictions, and promises in every industry. While I'm no seer of the future, there are four tools and toys I'm particularly anticipating from Microsoft this new year, after 2011's relative dearth of tools and toys from the company.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

10 programming languages that could shake up IT

Source: InfoWorld

Do we really need another programming language? There is certainly no shortage of choices already. Between imperative languages, functional languages, object-oriented languages, dynamic languages, compiled languages, interpreted languages, and scripting languages, no developer could ever learn all of the options available today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Microsoft to enable Linux on its Windows Azure cloud in 2012

Summary: Microsoft is preparing to launch a new persistent virtual machine feature on its Azure cloud platform, enabling customers to host Linux, SharePoint and SQL Server there.